Challenging Arts & Crafts

Easy Orange Cheesecake

Today, we´re supposed to go to a quilt exhibition in Lower Austria, but then, the weather keeps on  changing so often.... a bit drizzle here, a bit dark clouds there.  And so, we were thinking on wat to do... go to the Saturday flea market?.... still unsure of the weather, we decided to stay home...

Having finished my 2nd handquilted pillowcase ,  I though that it would be  a lovely idea to bake and try a new cheesecake recipe which I haven´t baked before... and so this scrumptious cheesecake was born.  The base dough is so easy to make. Here´s how  I did it and
I´m sure you would love this one.

Easy Orange Cheesecake 


 180 grams Flour
60 powdered sugar ( you can use sugar substitute of 7 tbsps Stevia powder)
Salt ( dash)
125 grams butter
1 egg yolk

Cheese Fillings
 250 Curd Cheese ( look for  "Quark" as the germans call it)
1 egg and 1 egg yolk ( medium size)
60 grams sugar
1 pack Vanilla sugar
20 grams Cornflour
60 grams liquid butter ( liquify thru microwave oven)

plus: dried beans for blind baking
         2 - 3 oranges thinly sliced, rind, skin  and seeds removed
         confectioner´s sugar or powdered sugar for topping


1. Mix together flour, powdered sugar, 1 pinch salt, cut-up  butter (cubes) and egg yolk in a bowl. Knead til  the dough becomes smooth. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

2 In a bowl combine curd cheese, egg, yolk, sugar, vanilla sugar, starch until all ingredients are well blended. Stir in butter. Mix well. Preheat oven to 190 ° C (fan 170 ° C).

3.Roll out dough on a floured surface until the dough reaches the size of the tart
     form you are using. Place the dough and tuck it on a tart form, you may use a round form or  a square and add a parchment or baking paper on top of it, add the dried beans and blind bake the pastry ( prebaking of the pastry so it won´t make bubbles).

4.  Bake the pastry in  the oven  for around 15 minutes. Remove baking paper and bake pastry for 3-4 minutes more. Remove and allow to cool slightly

4. Peel  the oranges and remove the white skin. Cut the oranges thinly. Remove any existing seeds.

5. Add the cheese filling in the pre-baked pastry and on top of it,  spread the orange slices as toppings and  bake cake in the oven for about 35 minutes. If desired, sprinkle cheesecake with icing sugar. Can be served hot and cold.

I hope you try this easy one .

Enjoy whatever you´re doing!



  1. Love it! This looks super easy and yummy! Thanks so much for sharing on #cakefriday!

    1. Thank you Becky .. and also thanks for co-hosting the Party,

  2. Sehr lecker! Danke für's Teilen. Ich poste den Kuchen heute auf FB. Vielleicht Lust mal einen #Cakefriday zu co-hosten? Würde mich sehr freuen.
    Viele Grüße Christine

    1. Hallo Christine! Danke dass Du hier vorbei kommst... Danke für Dein Angebot, würde sehr gerne dabei sein als #Cakefriday co host aber meine Zeit ist so begrenzt momentan da ich zuviel Arbeit im Büro habe wegen Reporting... Ich schätze Deine Bemühungen sehr und werde mich bei Dir melden wenn die Stress sich nachgelassen hat. Habt einen schönen Tag. Liebe Grüße, Mercy
